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Meet the Sassys-CEO:

After being classified as obese all of her life, Tekeema Parson decided to take charge of her health at 224lbs. She began a rigorous gym schedule of 5 days a week. Unlike numerous failed attempts at weight loss, she decided she would enlist the support of her friends and family to keep her motivated. A friend located over an hour away decided she would help keep her accountable. They would workout daily and check on each other ‘virtually’ via technology such as email, text, facebook, etc. After a month both had lost at least 10lbs. Tekeema then named them the Virtual Workout Buddies. Every month they lost weight the healthy way, through clean eating and exercise. People began noticing their dedication to fitness and asked to join their group. It ended up so large, Tekeema then changed the name to Virtual Workout Crew. The ladies would host meet and greets, workout together when they could, and check on fellow members across the US. To date, Tekeema has lost 70 pounds. Several members of the group have lost over 100lbs.

Currently there are over 130 members both inside and outside the United States. Every year they host a fitness retreat to give members an opportunity to meet the fellow members they have been supporting virtually.


Her motto is “Keeping Fitness Fun, One Workout at a Time“.


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